Saturday, November 1, 2014

Love tho tho
or through

How many times have pages full then with
How often to write and goes
For today his head in nostalgia
Hand accidentally penned ten children.

E is a most loving person.
It was abandoned a walk.
Does a person is at fault?
Fell in love with all my heart f ...

When life is not it still the same
Love each other more every'll have separation
Know the steps are in anguish
Compressed into the hearts of bad breath Tenh
Odd feet when you went to
Then suddenly panic through the city one ball
Leaves are still falling and the wind blowing clouds
Heaven must remain in that sadness separation ...

Who has given the tug of love deep
Suddenly decline by 2 hours farewell
Please do not log resentment sad and calming
Because love is something easy to change

Who still remembers someone, who you know ...
Who injured anyone remember, remember who forever ...
Who or who understand, love someone ...
Who kept accidentally, or who have ..

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