Tuesday, November 11, 2014

linkedin.comLove love sprouting from paper paintings

Lives of the female artist painting with his hands curled paper
Born to heal but was 8 years old, she was persistent illness of fever, signs of swollen limbs, twitching. Treatment for more than 1 month and 60 consecutive days of high fever, her legs paralyzed. Her surgery, surgery to relieve foot but was 1 again tortured battle with malaria. Vicious circle of ill fever - help - again ill repeat fever.

Completed grade 6, she quit school to home treatment. She and her father traveled from north to south, roamed around the place to find the healer, but not out. Her last hope and family is the 2003 foot surgery at 108 hospitals and also failed.

Do Thu Huong's life from that attached to his wheelchair. At the age of 18, she threw herself into twenty four walls filled with self-esteem and inferiority. She became scarey, exposed and buried his concerns in a dark corner.

Life as revived when she came across a clip online of a disability teaches how to make paper paintings. She charmed and enrolled at the center. 3thang diligent apprentice, she succeeded. Paper paintings are born from the hands seemed his impotence.
From vocational training centers, through the introduction she met him. Pacific British descent, the city school and earn a living. Since conditions do not allow, he dropped out of college to live independently Center for Persons with Disabilities do volunteer work. He used her like a charm.

The first day, he just quietly observing her personal facebook. He watches her photos and watch all the things you do and share online. He set up yahoo account and make friends with her. Daily habits, sibling confided to each other about the daily lives of both. She told him about how to make paper paintings and even the hard toil when she "in the form of" as it is now. He had a long time to help people with disabilities make up more than anyone else, he understands the feelings she experienced that deep sympathy.

Two years love each other, but both he and she are hidden, sneaky. Brave days he talked to the family about you, about the decision to marry a disabled wife on the day the whole family was discharged into the match he slapped membrane. His mother insisted protest. She worried that her son will suffer marry, he would disadvantage all the way. She will not be nearly as much of the family and her husband both work hard as many other ordinary people. Her birth story later doubly difficult.

His mother was seriously ill, the day of her care, he is still cooing about her mother-in-law for the future, though crippled but wise sage, energetic. She lost. He has yet dared to brave take her home debut. He feared his cousin will make it difficult for her but she hurt anymore. He alone of the Pacific make marriage registration procedures. Upcoming wedding day, he plans to invite some relatives just three trays. He said: "Until now, the whole family was opposed, but later wish that people would understand. He she will have children and then take the child back home, all will sympathize, sailing tailwind ".
She used to worry he regretted to her. By his side was how it whispers and full of thorns, try thach.Nhung he just laughs and says, "Just who are healthy and happy, miserable little he has overcome." She tears thinking back to the day he confessed that her love sobbing.

This November he will hold her wedding. I'll paint the house and opened a small gallery wife donated. Days ago, she still dreams have a paper due galleries you make. There she is meeting people and barriers inferiority gap is eliminated. Now time for him to help her and that he is doing to her dreams unfinished. ..