Saturday, November 1, 2014

I wish the doctors she detailed notes, Sunday fortunate to share the fun, and so forth and so on ^ _ ^
I thought

I thought love big brother
Where any doubt just as passersby
Gentle enough for children up missed
Then quickly bring the spread elsewhere.
I thought peaceful place fundus
Love is forever rising piled full
Talking sweet makes me groggy drunk
Then he went to bring happy days.

I thought my heart flaming fence
Inside you even cry laughing every time
Who would have thought that a light breeze
He has gone, he's gone, can not remember.

I thought a big smile
For disabled children will bloom forever
But just like last trip across boat
He is living away into the river.

I thought its just true
Then why would people facing step
But all is what true love is
British indifference, he was gone, gone forever.

Then go through a cell shared with all countries around the
Poetry about love
Or sad love poems, romantic

His back under the moonlit night of nostalgia
Monitor bone tender leaves soaked night
Xao leaves each breath
Cold drafts in both heart

Let's forget for the sun to sleep on shoulder
To collect long legs to let the purple cloud
For the afternoon for me is not looking
A silhouette, universal pain in heart

Have you ever busy life on the road
I accidentally pass by
Step absently not expect was to lose
My soul has waited a long time

Standing before the sea had compassion for sand
Infinitesimal to the infinite longing
Who are accidentally waves rushing
During a lifetime of grains of sand still lonely
Tried to forget
Stars still remember
Attempted ignored
Why was expected
Was thought as
Open sky
Can not stop suddenly become so far?
Was seemingly drunk
But why suddenly
Dissolve into nothingness?
Have thought as dream
In her arms
Why not cling
Hastily let go ???
Still remember the smile
Warm lips
Still remember the eyes
Sweet passionate
still remember the look thinner
On every street corner
Still remember the lake
Where the last steps
Earnestly remember
My arms
Heart mugging
Who is to blame ??
I stole loves a silhouette
That dare not speak right to remain silent
While he accidentally too
Just let me suffer alone ...

Let's drill to take your love
There's nothing happy lot size
Firstfruits not sour and acrid
First love is not crushed and dissolved

Snow or freezing cold heart I have?
Stars grace life! Cold back light the other?
The sort of people! Why not see return?
For anxious! I'm single heart.

There petals without fading?
No happiness will not adulterated?
There are lives that are not low rise?
There does not vibrate your lips as sob?
There are gaps close though narrowly
But just imagine hundreds of thousands of miles away
... And the way I feel lonely
Please come here, based his shoulder and cried
Tell you about life thorny
Give some sense he laments
Because his life is a train station
Receiving sorrows ship transporting children to
Even if you replace a ship berth day
This station will forever remain here.
... And when you look skinny severe grief
Come back, based his shoulder and cried
Lamented to me that people cheat death
Divide scratched him suffering was a lie
He would pat "Whatever it takes both worldly"
I always have my shoulder to cry
Never you loneliness
Never you lack a shoulder
Never missing an arm Kids
Cry me, based his shoulder and cried!

He dreamed of an endless night ..
Hold you breath warm air ..
Even if it gets cold outside, east ..
I still warm in the arms of love and desire

Love tho tho
or through

How many times have pages full then with
How often to write and goes
For today his head in nostalgia
Hand accidentally penned ten children.

E is a most loving person.
It was abandoned a walk.
Does a person is at fault?
Fell in love with all my heart f ...

When life is not it still the same
Love each other more every'll have separation
Know the steps are in anguish
Compressed into the hearts of bad breath Tenh
Odd feet when you went to
Then suddenly panic through the city one ball
Leaves are still falling and the wind blowing clouds
Heaven must remain in that sadness separation ...

Who has given the tug of love deep
Suddenly decline by 2 hours farewell
Please do not log resentment sad and calming
Because love is something easy to change

Who still remembers someone, who you know ...
Who injured anyone remember, remember who forever ...
Who or who understand, love someone ...
Who kept accidentally, or who have ..