Thursday, October 30, 2014

Gout wish all the doctors insisted she pay you sleep a beautiful dream, and flawless & career pipi ^_^
Want to tell a little tired of all the remaining
A few words just to play
It knows me by flesh and bones as their daughter home !!! pigs
Oh mai, lollipops run headlong
Also rolls back all wheels
The abdomen was packed both a "tunnel" potato cake
Their daughter is a deer
When they meekly swept his ear
When the anger go doang
The deer suddenly turned into two fantasy creature
Daughter, Princess greedily
Apples, apricots, plums, guava ... full stop throughout the day
Thick-skinned daughter floods
Once angry jerk right "song sausage"
Her daughter was shot foul
Street grooming perfume darkened the sky
Daughter wants to move forward duck
Nursing mother and adoptive father headline blind pool
Daughter is a compactor
Once a customer is angry, the wife spilled
Daughter, Princess saucy
Go threads are plainly tail wagging
Not always calming mouth
Annoyed a fresh dead flycatchers
Always laughing mouth
But do it the lazy even moan
Her daughter vultures
A name such as anger 10 to The knives were present as
So keep on warping chin that authority
Round her like potatoes
The road still skeptical ... waist show
Daughter is so ... baby ... baby ...
hello everyone everywhere, we wish to pay bac brothers share the fun day and lucky forever careers

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Some days just want to go so far
Leaving behind the hustle life span
Want to a place where people all around the water stops
Want to forget about myself ...

Some days want to welcome the dawn
Want to look at the sun to warm things up
Want to live a life so real
With such people need to remember names surface ...

Some days wish I was not old, not named
No past, no future, only the present
Some days want to stop time
Do not drift away forever nostalgic heart aches for ..

This poem offers ^_^
co article about career
You are a man of passion and great ambition, but you are bound to work in a boring and tedious? Are you disappointed in myself and am struggling to find a different route?
Be calm, "Everything is starting spokes" that. Did you know that those who are rich and famous had started out normal work best?

Such as Michael Dell, founder and chairman of computer maker Dell has been painstakingly washing dishes in a Chinese restaurant with a salary of only US $ 2.3 per hour. Bill Gates, the richest man in the world today, has been running around to take care of the chores in the US Capitol. Or as William Watkins, CEO of Seagate Technology, have tirelessly night shift at a mental hospital in the early days of his hardships. And Sidney Kimmel, CEO of Jones New York, just a delivery staff of Morton Manufacturing company.

"The work extremely horrible, but I found myself with the opportunity to develop there." - Kimmel remembers "childhood frugally" her.
Dell also extremely grateful for the experiences of the day "wet foot dry foot" working in a Chinese restaurant: "He is a restaurant owner who is very clever. Yesterday I went to do a little early as he realized immediately, and expressed strong concerns properly. He was always affable and dedicated service to our customers. "

Michael Drasny, honorary president and founder of CDW Computer Group, talks about useful lessons from the "youth by 10": "I was hired to clean up the neighbors tangle wood chips after building . I asked a few more "comrades" close to home to help. Afterward, I invited the whole group to eat 31 cream smell. From there, I learned something that I can not do effectively without the help of teammates. "

These celebrities have shown their innate investment quality since the normal work there. Bill Murray out completely outside the shop to buy chestnuts solicitation, Rush Limbaugh constantly polishing shoes in the shop, Robin Williams created by performing mime on the sidewalk, or the famous stylist Tommy Hilfiger was traveling on the truck to offer each of its products.

Characters outstanding success that we fans today do not hit anything galaxies to earn a livelihood and pursue their dreams. Jerry Seinfeld used to sell light bulbs over the phone; Demi Moore worked for a debt collection company; David Lee Roth of Van Halen band must be cleaned and sanitized beds for patients in a local hospital; Madonna revenue at stores Dunkin 'Donuts; Jennifer Aniston as waitress, Brad Pitt, the transfer of the fridge at home for clients; and a few months before the band recorded the first country music, Garth Brooks still in a shop selling boots.

Work [2] Their sometimes not very smooth: because of poor service attitude, Mariah Carey fired multiple times when people keep coats and served in restaurants.

And since the normal work like that, many characters have peaked career: actor Jack Nicholson was "discovered" while working in the mail room of the MGM delivery, or author Stephen King has taken inspiration while cleaning locker room to write the novel Carrie.
We, who are "toddlers" build your own career, we can learn something from this celebrity?

"Always do your best work and willing to develop their own approach." That is the advice of Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard. He worked as a secretary for a financial leasing company after graduating from Stanford University, majoring in history and studied medieval philosophy.

"You have to sacrifice immediate benefits to investing for your long-term goals. Those outstanding success has accepted the job as normal as possible. They strive to be the best performers, and since then has achieved many growth opportunities. "- B. Grant Yarber, president and CEO of Capital Bank and supplements.

Bill Johnson, president and executive director of Progress Energy would exhort his daughter: "You pursue passions, his real dream. Invariably you should also work out your ability, then why not invest the time to do what you love? "

When he served in a Chinese restaurant, Michael Dell learned a proverb that he was extremely favorite: "Keep doing what you really love, and you will not have to work hard one day What in your life "
have also seen posts malicious yes ^ _ ^ like this
When women sing love songs
the world must also silent.

What happens when a woman loves? They will awaken the whole world in Japan-violent and drunk warm with love sincere. They will sing love songs about happiness and love with their man, they will dance the dance of passionate, proud and flaming fence as the child is sharing candy. You will be rich in sweets lips forever, stirring and gradually penetrate into the taste. And became obsessed, remembrance. To forever take years to catch on after a similar sweetness that ...
When women love, nothing is impossible. Just look into the eyes of your woman, do not need any words it can also power a hundred times flowery things. Women, nature is weak. I mean instinct offline. In life and in any social situation, whether on their own how much to overcome in a lifetime storm had passed, though the side is not a strong shoulder to lean on trembling, can only warm. Maybe just a little weak but more broadly to cry or feel lonely in one or more of certain moments. The strong me- which means that the woman has a breaking a few things about the sense of belonging and love vibe. Of course, that does not mean that women can not help but powerful. But, if strong parallels with love but only paralleled that is enough, strong will and brilliant shine so much in love song intensely sweet.

When in contact with a woman is called powerful careless. I do not see it as a lucky woman. On the contrary, many times I see feeling so excited. Wondering what makes a woman become so. There must have been from the beginning they wanted to be really strong like that? I do not believe it if a woman does it say that they do not need any kind hand, a certain warmth eyes, that they themselves can overcome all hardships along the way since first steps are put into cognitive life. At least need to the family, to the father, mother or just a father or a mother of solace, support in living perturbed difference. Then when a little more mature, the need to love a dream, a man vibe to it that I love and to be loved, then you can, farther, farther is a happy home with people husband of her kids.

There is no other woman ever once in a lifetime dream to sing love songs, and would not have any woman in his life foolish to refuse to sing the love song The powerful real need, in my opinion, always synonymous with breakages. And here is a breaking even in imagination, a certain sense of confidence. I was skeptical too much about each other in this life as well as what to think too much about myself received, assign too many things and too many things pass.

These powerful women are often the autonomy always, be aware of your life, knowing what to do and what to do. And sometimes the excessive pomposity. Sometimes the excessive definitely made ​​life lost to the balance that insiders think they never dropped. Woman need more, a lot more is strong. I am not gender stereotypes, that women must coy, demure, realism, willowy. No. Women today should learn for themselves the powerful. But to reconcile rather than to reject and abandon.
To find a love song for himself, most women who have undergone more than once to sing another love song. Many women after singing the last couple of love songs, feel exhausted and depressed. And each time, they were a little stronger, a little time to realize that he does not need to necessarily sing a love song in my life anymore but can still live well. And that would never have any dreams cavity. But ...

There are angels that often it is the reward of passionate love songs. Single mon- a trend in today's society. Each person is a minor and waterways are flowing into the sea by way of their own. But, behind the strong to violent, to ignore, to any of these women need to do single mom is that? Only those who know edged knife or blunt ...

Drill say anything. Think, affordable men's shoulders no longer warm enough for the woman headrests, love songs no longer enough charm to charm a woman singing? Or that both sides were no longer able to keep silent, patient, slow to understand each other?

When women sing love songs, all the world must also silent. As all know how that woman could happily in love. Though not necessarily a happy ending. But the woman has the right to be in love and hope passionately. Could experience a love song, a love song ... and then the last love song. Or is not the most last final. In love, the happiness and sadness, and a breaking faith, hope and shortfalls, tears and smiles ... always keeping together. It's not easy to make moss my heart, but to me, the woman in love when I saw respect can be felt and lived in the level cing it. It is known that I have loved, are loved and will be loved. Sincerely further both the previous version, because there is so we can feel to that experienced by the existing situation all completely original, new, best drunk warm. Is not it?
Marriage is not a graveyard of love and not even the happy trails. That's just the beginning of a different gamut of a love for nature to a more responsible kind of love, impartial when giving and receiving nice ñ not too be compared measured and measurable. Traditional marriage is still structurally sound and is the best guide to sustainable private first woman herself, not to mention other things later. Life is short and there is only one life. We must live for truth is one, well one's own ego to assert itself. But does not mean you should be selfish, to be forgotten the feeling of my father's mother. Happy. One happy. But, our own is not enough, and both of our parents, our children also, because that would make mother. Do not be so strong that cocky, not as strong but cynical, but not because of the strong dependence, hurt those who love life most of us. Love, not hard to locate, just one sincere, I know just wait and above all accept. Accept one another.

Single mom makes. It is also a way of life. If any woman wants it ceases to sing love songs again and still longing motherhood. Maybe the problem no longer lies in the strong anymore, but that is the choice. Choices for themselves and children. But remember, any child growing up in the environment of care deficiencies go and teach the parents, there will also be a heterogeneous development in terms of spirit and awareness. I dare to assert that, despite the tears into single mon with cursed.

Say what, but I still like women singing love song And I did not stop singing love songs and will sing a love song end. I learned to wait and accept. When women sing love songs, the whole world must also silent. As for my own, I just want my man silent. Look into my eyes

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Cute Hello everyone and the leading enterprise !!!! good luck all hihi Share with all love so universal ^_^
Dear children,
Mother can not sleep tonight ...
You know, since the day her daughter went to college, the house was empty laughter of children. Parents have set for 5 years to get used to it, get used to the emptiness, familiar with the inadequacy of not having the daily, hourly, as a parent probably already familiar with me for over 20 years ... daughter said no, and so is the amount of time that parents have more moments of waiting, waiting until the end of the week, last month on the back with her ​​parents. I will gurgles storytelling sky under the sea, including the place, the puppy go to, talk about friends in all parts of the country ... The peaceful and carefree child.

Now the mother daughter grew, became a woman, went to work, with lovers, with friends and colleagues, has its own concerns, ... And the moment I look back on parents as stretched out, because the less the better, the busy and workaholic. My parents do not blame me, just love me, just sad because not hear you ....

Bang goes a stroll, or to the mother than the child. But the strange thing is our son of a sudden, not weekends, not holidays, holidays. Mother glad you about? not, I now feel more anxious. I know girls who was busy mother, I will not quit this job to go anywhere. Mother worried on your eyes when heavy sadness, the gloomy, tense. Children quiet, quiet and tired. I do not want to talk about my problems. I think she probably would not understand anyway because the pace of life on it is different in your country, because even though my mother who is also a generation ago, or I do not want you to worry and sorrow. But dear children, I was on her side, so why do not you get rid of everything from people, why do not you leave your troubles behind, why do not cry out loud to wash all the unjust, the heartache that children are suppressed, is hidden?
Mother can be a bad mother, not knowing what to do to help him but she was a friend of the child for more than twenty years that body, I do not remember why? Both nights that I did not sleep. Mom and out, watching me sleep, but heartbreaking too. Mother's child was pale, emaciated, eyes still tears banks. The little sleeping children as angels, mother finds son of yore. Mom was afraid I woke up tomorrow morning and then I go back to the concerns of life, children are children of today, and I did not catch the ...

Dear children, I know you will not tell my mother issues, and I would not demanded again until you want to say. I know frail mother, daughter, capital or cry. I have forgotten everything she taught me when I went to college new about that? You must always smiled at present, always facing it, because life inherent attempts at the other, no one is laughing forever, and no one cries for life ...

Previously, when I am in trouble, sorrow, remaining on her side crying, and inter thoughtfully tell unjustly or something. I now also back, still crying, but the silent, which makes both happy mother with concern. Glad to know the mother began to tolerate, to accept the things that life is not perfect for me. Henceforth worried mother no longer accompany the child sorrow anymore.

I still crabby mother say much, but I still have to say what I've heard seemed then. Dear, life is not always pink, so do not be surprised or fall for trivial problems, trivial. Not far will you know how difficult that I have faced it since appeared in this life, the only thing associated with the difficulty of the parents always assumed, so I have not clearly felt that only.

Now, both my feet have walked into this immense life, independence and himself battling hard, so at times I feel overwhelmed is understandable. But I consider it is inevitable, accept and pass it a most positive way. At the worst time, I think the way to remedy that situation, but can not fix it you to expand your heart to accept nodded. I would like to know how serene.
Life is not always what turned against me. You to keep trying, strive in everything. You know, at the agency have a good relationship, sometimes people do not understand me. That's nothing very formidable, I live this every age, how many years to be able to build good relationships with her ​​colleagues physicians. Children just entering the furnace detectors work, you do not have it admired, trusted, they also do not know her daughter was enthusiastic mother, gentle and kind how ... I give them time to assess and understand their children. You also give yourself time to complete and close to the people more. Then one day, my colleagues will understand and love me as "peers Level 3" of the same.

Children do not struggle or sadness too because things are not where, because of a question Sarcasm or irony of someone. Things that you should consider is the salt in the sea, you must learn to ignore to live. If you just only focus on those things, then I just sank into the mire of pessimism, boredom, sadness only. That's what most fear dear mother. Son just keep trying from small things, every moment in life, but never demanding results. I just try not today, then tomorrow you will get results immediately. Sometimes he would catch the sun to wait, it may take a long time dear ... That inherently is the law of life ...

You know, the good cry, and even then no matter what, then I'll still cry when encountered stumbling or sadness. I may cry, but my soul must be firm, you must set to bring in its train a steel industry. And I will never be overthrown. Mother believes, daughters and mothers will grow steadily.

Now mom can not do anything for me. The child sorrow, the suffering of the child, the mother can only support you emotionally, but can not solve the root of the problem. Mother not that old-growth, but the mother's shoulders are not strong enough to bear the children of the hardships of life anymore.

Only me, I let myself accept and overcome. Mother only knew motivate you, support you, just waiting for me to know and for you to cook food that I like. Never lose hope in life for me, please.
Tomorrow I go now, I only know how to write for children these lines to motivate children. Remember that, behind that there is always parents - those who love and support me ....

My daughter has bright smile and lovely ... Do not ever forget to smile for me, please. I bared

SEND ME MAIL My mom was healthy now? Beloved mother, for the greetings Please go to her mother's house on Afternoon light shines in nostalgia hangover. I heard that she concealed anxiety Mother or sad, or worried about children Mother or step out back road In optimistic fashion sweater, old frayed. That every time the smoke over blue afternoon I look at just a terrible thing It seems that in a fight Having someone stabbed me with a knife steel. There's alright! Please mom, please reassuring It all just dreaming bout Where there are children that cotton wool To die when her mother could not see. Children now still so cute Just wish a very simple So very quickly escape the sadness To return to the lower house deserted us. I'll be on the blossoms on branches Bring breath of spring around the garden Only the mother of dawn Do not wake me like eight years ago. Do not wake up the dream turned off Do kindled hopes of a failed Children who suffer early loss T
Day met you  Day met you I feel lucky  The fire was burning in his situation  After many days my heart cold black  I came to the fire rekindled my love life.    He sunny autumn leaves stretched  Kids dress designs in earnest Sage  Lips and eyes haughty laugh away  To crush him awake every night.    Happy days with you he filled  How banish sorrow reigns  And I know there is a truth  Love him entitled The Great Wall.    Prayer love you with all sincerity  Do not swear an appointment but did not deceive  Always by your side every lap confused  How contented smile on his lips bloom.    He still dreams of happiness distant  As far wing dream of a home  As the river where dreams of the sea  Bring a vastly powerful heart.    But what you miss rush hour apart&
hello all the people around
I and Page, my wife used to be a perfect match between the two was a student in the same course and the same school. Finished, thanks to the extensive relationships of my parents, the two children easily get into a state agency just months after graduation. Only half a year later we married in the joy of family and friends.  5 years have passed, my family life is always so happy. Page gave birth to my son contempt. Though not rich, but my wife and I never have to worry about economic problems  5 years have passed, my family life is always so happy.    As the romance, my wife and I always try to create freshness in sexual activity. Both absolute trust each other. Page had relationships with other friends with and so do I, but it never makes two contradictory. Our happiness makes friends with a little feel envious admiration.    But on one afternoon, I almost collapsed when discovered horrors from his wife's diary. While in search of documents for the work, I accidentally read the page confession line diary where small hidden shelf.    "... May Day. I'd made a mistake and forgiving difficulty is felt pen an end, tormented. I had an affair, betraying her husband. Oh my! just think about it, I feel terribly sorry mate with his infidelity. Since the relationship with her budding, I was afraid I would fall and wanted to escape but could not. Everything takes place as if there is an intangible magic that makes me so ignorant to him. I tried to escape, resist the appeal from him, but then the new feelings, strange and very especially his fellow handsome, gallant workers swept me under the affair sins ... ".    I like Tu Hai die standing, more reading, more and could not believe what I was seeing. I tolerate people out to 30 minutes. Heaven and earth as spinning, crash. The wife modesty, chastity my here? The fate cleverly toying with me or is it the outcome that I have receiv