Tuesday, October 28, 2014

SEND ME MAIL My mom was healthy now? Beloved mother, for the greetings Please go to her mother's house on Afternoon light shines in nostalgia hangover. I heard that she concealed anxiety Mother or sad, or worried about children Mother or step out back road In optimistic fashion sweater, old frayed. That every time the smoke over blue afternoon I look at just a terrible thing It seems that in a fight Having someone stabbed me with a knife steel. There's alright! Please mom, please reassuring It all just dreaming bout Where there are children that cotton wool To die when her mother could not see. Children now still so cute Just wish a very simple So very quickly escape the sadness To return to the lower house deserted us. I'll be on the blossoms on branches Bring breath of spring around the garden Only the mother of dawn Do not wake me like eight years ago. Do not wake up the dream turned off Do kindled hopes of a failed Children who suffer early loss T

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